Bible prophecy

Revekation timeline

Timeline of Events in Revelation

Timeline of Events in Revelation You can check out this video below to see the timeline of events in Revelation. The order is mapped out in animated charts so you can clearly associate the seals, trumpets and bowls during the Great Tribulation Period and Day of the Lord. You can also download a free PDF … Read More

who is the antichrist

Who is the anti-christ?

Descriptions of the anti-christ from Daniel Chapter 7 and Revelation Chapter 13 parallel each other with these same identifiers –

He comes out of the great beast with 10 horns

He speaks complete blasphemy against God

He is allowed authority to war over the saints in the tribulation period

He is destroyed at the 2nd coming of Christ (Revelation 17:14)

Message for Last Days

message for the last days – Introduction

MESSAGE FOR THE LAST DAYS – INTRODUCTION Readers of any long, difficult book will know the temptation to skip to the last pages to find out what happens in the end. But there is no satisfaction in taking such a shortcut. The sum of the narrative ebbs and flows provide the conclusion its power and … Read More

Bible Interpretation

Bible Interpretation Principles

BIBLE INTERPRETATION PRINCIPLES A key to understanding the Bible is learning how to properly interpret it through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He guides us to principles of Bible interpretation. Sounds simple. However, cultural traditions and personal biases complicate our efforts. Another barrier arises from the biblical concept that there are three realms of … Read More

Promised Land

The Land Covenant

THE LAND COVENANT To gain an understanding of end-time events, the best place to start is in the book of Genesis. We’ll examine Adam’s fall into sin in Genesis 3, then move on to the covenant God formed with Abraham. Let’s look at verse 15 as God curses the serpent that led Adam and Eve … Read More

Promised Land

Promised Land as the Kingdom of Heaven

PROMISED LAND AS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN What is the big deal with the land covenant? How does it relate to the new covenant or eternal life in heaven? Is there any lingering spiritual significance to a certain small piece of land in the Middle East? Would building a temple in the heart of Jerusalem … Read More

last supper

The New Covenant

THE NEW COVENANT What do biblical writers mean when they talk about a generic “covenant” or an “old covenant” in contrast to the new or final covenant? The very name of the Old Testament creates some confusion. “Testament” and “covenant” have the same meaning. This prompts us to err by lumping the Abrahamic covenant and … Read More

Christ's inheritance

Christ’s Inheritance

CHRIST’S INHERITANCE We must remember that the conditional covenant God made with Moses and the nation of Israel did not supersede or nullify the Abrahamic promise.[footnote]See Galatians 3 and Romans 11:28–29.[/footnote] So while Christ fulfilled the terms of the law to redeem us, he wasn’t necessarily focused on the Mosaic law in particular, but on … Read More

Second Coming

The Second Coming of Christ

THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST In many algebra textbooks, the solutions appear in the back of the book. But students quickly discover that copying these answers down will not help them understand how to solve algebraic equations. What a student must do is apply what he has learned to a problem, then see if his … Read More

Resurrection of the righteous

The Resurrection of the Righteous

THE RESURRECTION OF THE RIGHTEOUS The resurrection of the righteous (also known as the saints or the just) is part of a judgment process; the relationship between resurrection and judgment will be discussed further in chapters 14 and 15. For now we will focus on resurrection. God’s gift of salvation entails the receipt of an … Read More